I know! I know!! This month is almost gone and I haven't posted anything about last Canton. I've been busy!! I did take a few pictures, but must apologize for the quality -- I guess I had my camera on the wrong setting....
If you see anything you want me to pack for Round Top, let me know. It might still be available.... and I'm still packing. It took two trips with a van & trailer to get everything down there for the last show and I have doubled my booth size for this show!! I know I have at least 20 totes of vintage Christmas ready to go. And then there is that fantastic 7 piece French set. And I'm hoping there's room for the bigger than king-size OLD metal 4-poster bed..... Did I mention that I'm stressing a little??
This is one busy time of year! Everyone I know --including me-- is getting ready for the big show at Round Top/Warrenton. I'll be setting up this Tuesday. Should already be there, but first I have to do the Antique Elegance show this weekend at the Richardson Civic Center. This is one fantastic show with beautiful antiques. Then I'm off to Round Top to set up at the Texas Rose show -- right across from Marburger. Right after that I'll be at Market in the Meadow in Dallas and then at the Pacesetters Bazaar in Richardson.
Here are a few little creations I've been working on. They are packed up and ready to go to the holiday shows. This is just a little sample, mind you. Have to keep some things a surprise!!
Hope to see you soon!
P.S. I'll have to wait to celebrate my 100th post until after Round Top.
I'll keep in touch!!
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